Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kwaheri from Kili Airport

I cannot believe I’m leaving. Time flew by so quickly. Even today, MW woke me up at 7am because I slept through my 550 and 615 am alarms. I rushed non-stop - packing, picking up my last dress from the Indian lady, going to Masai Market for one last time to get JD’s necklace fixed and buy some painting and necklaces, saying goodbye to everyone at ICTR, trying to grab something to eat (FAIL) and finally getting into the shuttle to go to Kili Airport with AJ. How did those 6 hours go by in a blink??

The one benefit of having so much to do - no time to think about anything. I didn’t have time to think about how much I’d miss everyone, how I am not going to wake up in my bed surrounded by a mosquito net, not going to wonder if I’ll have electricity, not going to come home and hope I can wake up Seff to get into my house (oh crap - I forgot his tip. His inappropriate hugs and kisses should be sufficient for a tip… right?), how I won’t be able to get chipsi mayai for 1500 Tsh and a Stoney (oh Stoney - I tried to hard to find you and take you home) for 500 Tsh. No more “Mambo mama?” No more “Ninakupenda, dada.” No more “You are an AFRICAN woman” (complete with hands indicating an hour glass shape).

Last night we pseudo-played highs-lows. Lows certainly include getting my new purse slashed and my camera and bracelets jacked, cancelling on Evans’ mom’s dinner after she cooked ALL day for us (yes, I realize how awful I am) and how lonely I felt at the very beginning (especially when AJ went to Zanzibar and I was left in Arusha). But even that (the loneliness) turned out to be fantastic - I got to hang out with EB, meet several of his friends (which later turned out to be really helpful when we wanted to see Moshi and do the waterfall hike), go to all the going-away parties for all the previous interns, and go on an amazing safari with AK, IB and EW.

Highs: Cheetah hunt on safari, watching the lion family eat and play, ZANZIBAR (especially Friday/Saturday nights), pub crawl (minus getting my camera stolen at Masai Camp), Masai Camp Attempt #2, and just generally hanging out with such cool people. It’s amazing how close you get to people in such a short amount of time. I don’t think I really got to really know anyone until almost a month in. Now? I definitely have several fabulous friends that I must see when I go back to the states. I’m glad I was there for some people during some really hard times, that I had people I could confide in too.

Ultimately, I hope this trip brought MW and I closer. We definitely had our own highs and lows this summer but I think (hope?) that we’ll come out of it stronger - because of our love for Afrika, our appreciation of new and amazing cultures, and most importantly, just how much we mean together. MW came to the conclusion this summer that he did not want to be apart long-term again. Plans for his two foreign service missions abroad for 4 years while I’m in the states / not with him - out the door. He got really upset with me when I said I wasn’t sure I could wait for 4 years (especially without being married). Now we agree - if he goes, we get married so we can be together. I figure with a JD and my go-getter attitude (;)), I’ll find something satisfying to do wherever he lands).

I am tearing up as I write all this. I already miss TZ. I cannot wait to go back. At the same time, I am SO ready to see MW, my parents, my wifey (and her new husband!) and all my other HS, W, and BU rafikis. I wonder how I’ll find school, the refugee clinic, and all my friends at home. Will I be distant? Will I constantly long to be back? Will I feel at home? I guess I can only hope that I am happy to be home but be ready to leave to Afrika whenever the chance arises.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Final Countdown

The final countdown has begun. I leave Kilimanjaro Airport 6 days from today and arrive in Boston almost exactly one week from this very hour. I have a 6 hour delay before another 5 hour flight to home sweet home: Sin City. An hour later, I'll finally see MW after more than 11 weeks apart.

I've enjoyed being in Arusha. I could definitely come back to Tanzania to work, at least for a few years. Even if I don't wind up living here, I certainly plan on returning with MW to climb Kili, enjoy Zanzi (especially Stone Town) and traipse around the rest of this beautiful country.

But for the first time, I feel ready to go home. I'm ready to see my parents, my dogs, my BFF/wifey, my high school friends.

Most of all, I'm longing to see MW. It's been a hard 2+ months. I hope that we will see each other and the same sparks that flew when we first kissed will fly again, that we will discover a new, deeper love for one another now that I understand and have also come to adore one of his greatest loves: Afrika.

Here's to hoping that the adventure that physically took me so far away will emotionally bring me closer to those I love most.
