Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Final Countdown

The final countdown has begun. I leave Kilimanjaro Airport 6 days from today and arrive in Boston almost exactly one week from this very hour. I have a 6 hour delay before another 5 hour flight to home sweet home: Sin City. An hour later, I'll finally see MW after more than 11 weeks apart.

I've enjoyed being in Arusha. I could definitely come back to Tanzania to work, at least for a few years. Even if I don't wind up living here, I certainly plan on returning with MW to climb Kili, enjoy Zanzi (especially Stone Town) and traipse around the rest of this beautiful country.

But for the first time, I feel ready to go home. I'm ready to see my parents, my dogs, my BFF/wifey, my high school friends.

Most of all, I'm longing to see MW. It's been a hard 2+ months. I hope that we will see each other and the same sparks that flew when we first kissed will fly again, that we will discover a new, deeper love for one another now that I understand and have also come to adore one of his greatest loves: Afrika.

Here's to hoping that the adventure that physically took me so far away will emotionally bring me closer to those I love most.



  1. I am so proud of you and happy that you are ready to come home. I hope that the journey back is everything you are hoping for <3

  2. It's so funny. I didn't read this post until now, but we're so similar in our "I'm pretty much ready to go home" posts.

    I hope you have a safe journey back and that you grew from this experience!
