Saturday, May 22, 2010

Perfect Timing

Yesterday was epic. My plane to Kili was held for two hours in Addis because so many people on my flight were trying to catch it. Everyone on the Kili flight was told to go upstairs and get on the plane. I was told to stand in a line of people who had missed their flight. I thought something was wrong, asked two different people but was repeatedly told Stand in line. Until I got to the front, where the attendant kindly told me to run upstairs just in time for them to tell me the plane was on the tarmac. Why didn't you come up with everyone else? Why did you take so long? UGH. As if this were my fault. I reluctantly accepted a comped hotel room and two meals at Panorama in Addis. I took a two hour nap, woke up, logged online at the hotel business center and talked to P.

Later, I had dinner with two Americans (Zach and Elizabeth). They work with camps in Ethiopia. Elizabeth was in the Peace Corp for 2 years in Lesotho. She now works as a consultant with Paul Newman's company Hole In the Wall. She was really nice, and I'm glad my night wasn't completely awful. After dinner, I went back downstairs and logged online to chat with MW for awhile more before heading to the room to see if I could get a hot shower and wireless. Unfortunately it was no a go for either. I hope that I get at least semi-warm water tonight.

It's day 2 in Africa and hopefully day 1 in TZ. Haven't been able to get a hold of FM (hah) at the ICTR so I doubt that I'll have transportation from the airport to Arusha. I took a 7 am shuttle to the airport for a 10am flight. I was through security by 7:11am. Wish I had a bit longer at the hotel since they at least had free internet there. It's $5 an hour here. Ugh.

Although MW and I said good night in case I wanted to go to bed, I just couldn't go to sleep without really saying good night. I told him that I really wanted to hear his voice - so he called me! It was far too expensive but (I think and *hope*) that it was worth it for him as much as it was for me. Even after that, I couldn't fall asleep. I just felt so anxious. I worried that my cell phone alarm wouldn't ring, that the front desk would forget to call me (they did) and I'd wind up missing my flight. So.... I'm running on a two hour nap from yesterday afternoon + however much I slept on the plane. I honestly can't tell you how long I was asleep or awake - I'm not sure I even know how long I was on the plane or how long I've been gone. I think it's been less than 24 hours? Sure as hell doesn't feel like it.

Last night/this morning I started to think that maybe travelling isn't my thing. I've just been so nervous and scared about getting mugged, kidnapped, etc. MW said I should go out for dinner but I'm the only white female I've seen so far in Ethiopia so I feel like a prime target. I hope that I feel infinitely better once I get to Arusha, move in and meet all the interns. I hope that traveling alone may not be my thing but traveling with others turns out to be a new favorite pasttime. Not that I have the money for it. Whatever the case, it will definitely determine my future path for better or worse.


  1. It is okay. I promise. I went through this the first time I traveled abroad alone in SA, it seriously doesn't matter if you're in Africa or freaking Toronto. Your fears aren't totally ungrounded, but remember that freaking yourself out will only make the situation more precarious.

    And now I realize that all these posts are said and done. Woops.

    Love ya <3

  2. I highly doubt your worries mean you're not cut out for travel on your own! You're in a completely unfamiliar environment, which would likel produce anxiety in the majority of people. Plus, I think anxiety tends to be more pronounced in women, espcially when you are inclined towards preparing for all possibilities of new/unusual places (scenario A, no complications, so I read a book; scenario B, I get mugged, so I scream and do xyz; scenario c, someone tries to snatch me, so I scream and do abc; etc). Once you grow more accustomed to things, you'll be able to relax. So - just take it as a sign that your awareness is fully functioning (a good thing), and try to enjoy your experience as much as possible!

    <3, Wifey
