Monday, June 14, 2010

Deadline Met!

Today we turned in our appellate brief for The Prosecutor v. Setako! I must say, I think it's a pretty good brief and I'm happy that I was able to edit and contribute to the final draft. We won't hear anything back until after my internship is over, but this just gives me an excuse to stay current with the ICTR's happenings / stay in touch with my supervisor. Wonder what I'll be assigned to do next. Keep your fingers crossed for exciting, substantive work :-D

In other news, I went to Arusha National Park yesterday. It definitely was not as cool as Serengeti but it was beautiful and I had great company (Yellow House, BR, JD, and EF). In order, we have the colubus monkey (above); a diarama of the park (that lit up!); one of the many giraffes we saw; a babboon; and the group with two groups of flamingos in the back (yeah, sorta see that pink/white blob in the back.... that would be the flamingos).

Since we got back around 5, we stopped at Maasai market to have a look around. There was a lot of beautiful stuff there (from coasters to jewelry, statues to clothing) so I'll definitely go back. If anyone wants anything in particular, speak up now!

I also took everyone to the Blue House for their first chips maayai! Most enjoyed it but there were a few whiners - HUSH, I say. The food is great, especially at only 1800Tsh (1300Tsh for chipsi, 500 for soda or 1000 for beer). Plus, Tony walked us (all 8 of us) home. Pretty legit bodyguard service there :)

Today, after work AJ and I walked to a small veggie market near the Impala roundabout. I got 1/2 kilo of passion fruit, 2 mangos, 2 cucumbers, 1.5 kilos of onions, a papaya, a bag of little peppers, and 1/2 kilo of leeks for 8000Tsh (less than $6USD). AJ got 1 kilo of carrots, 1.5 kilo of tomatoes, 1/2 kilo of potatoes, 2 green peppers and 3 avocados for 7000Tsh. All in all, a pretty good buy. We'll see if I can do better next time. :)

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