Monday, July 5, 2010

The Beginning of the Mombasa Mafia

Saturday I woke up at 7am to the beautiful view of the Indian Ocean and beach outside my window. It was warm enough for me to walk around in my bathing suit + yellow dress (unlike Arusha where I wear a fleece and scarf every day). I enjoyed the sun until about 10am when NK woke up and went to the ocean for a morning dip. Around 11, everyone was finally up and we had breakfast. Steven cut up some passionfruit, mango, bananas and pineapple for our fruit platter. He also made toast, eggs, and "sausages" (like beef hot dogs).

At some point, someone suggested we get massages. Everyone agreed to a 1000Ksh maximum. I secretly did not want a massage (I hate people touching my body) but I agreed anyway (mostly because I didn't think it would happen). But - voila! - Steven knew a woman who agreed to come to Sutt Cliff to do 30 min full body massages for 500Ksh/person including tip. After she arrived, we set up a place for the massages on one of the tables on the veranda. We then each switched off between getting our massage, basking in the sun, going for a dip in the pool/ocean, and walking along the beach. As someone who really hates their body being touched, especially by strangers, I will admit that the massage felt really good. I've never had a full body, deep tissue massage done before, especially not with a view that amazing.

The walk along the beach with AX, EX and AS was great. The flowers, crabs and water were all miraculous in their own ways. EX and I talked about the reputation of frats in Britain versus America (and determined they were the same), while AS, a frat boy, vehemently defended his brotherhood. I also talked to AX about missing MW and plans to live together. A few hours after breakfast, JH and I volunteered to make lunch (since Steven was still out looking for the fish we asked him for). I must say, I (along with everyone else) was pretty impressed by our quesadilla and fresh guacamole meal.

Sidenote: It's so weird that almost all of my friends are engaged, married or gearing up for engagement. I even went engagement ring shopping with another intern today. When did this change happen? Am I at that stage in life where all my friends start to become real grown-ups and get married, have babies, etc? For awhile I felt like I needed to get engaged too, but have (fortunately -especially for MW ;)) stopped feeling that way. Now I've just started telling people I want 9 kids. Mostly because I'm in love with MW's family and his mom is 1st of 9. No worries people - I will not be popping out 9 kids anytime soon. Or ever. Three is probably my real limit. We'll see. SEVERAL years from now. :)

That night, we had spectacular food. We had some type of rock fish and the best curry prawns I've ever tasted. It was so good that we called Steven out to clap for his amazing work. Since I was falling asleep at the table, I decided to take a 1 hr nap (that turned into a 2 hr nap). In that time, I missed Never Have I Ever, the Animal game, Fives, the start of beer pong, a trip to the store for MORE beer and - most importantly - the Star Spangled Banner at midnight (for the 4th of July). Sad I missed all that but I definitely would have fallen asleep outside anyway.

When I woke up, I went to the veranda to watch JY and GG kick everyone's butt in beer pong. To be fair, NK and (mostly) AX were REALLY close to winning - sinking the ball in the last cup on their last chance, requiring a final round of 4 cups, which they brought down to 1-1 before finally losing the game and the 1000Ksh NK bet GG). After the games were done, the girls went to sleep and the guys hung out and chatted. We ate these chocolates that allegedly require you to put them unwrapped on your forehead and worked down into your mouth without any hands. We had pretty awkward / hilarious conversations. GG passed out in his chair and then when he finally woke up, laid down on the couch outside, refusing to get into the bed he was sharing with JH. Hilarious.

Sunday I woke up early again and laid out in the sun for awhile. After a few hours, people started joining and we had Steven make us breakfast on the grass again. Somehow in our ridiculousness, we all forgot to buy food for our BBQ when we went to the store the previous night. JH and I offered to go a) take care of converting the money to pay for the house rental; b) get groceries and c) stop and look for souvenirs. We successfully completed the first two, but sadly not the last.

GG made amazing beef and chicken burgers with cheese and garlic. We also finished off the avocados and mangoes with some pina colada juice (that was meant to be used with the rum the previous night... but never happened). After lunch, we took some final group pictures and then got ready to go. It was so hard leaving because a) we all got along really well; b) no one wanted to leave Mombasa or in particular, the house; and c) no one wanted to head back to their respective internships/jobs in Arusha, Nairobi or Da Daab (refugee camp).

Alas, our trip was over. The drive back was rather uneventful except for the fact that our driver had to physically open the Tanzanian border himself and then hunt down a person to take care of our visas so we could legally come back in the country. Ridic. It was also at this point that Alex asked if: NK was my boyfriend (no); was anyone in the group my boyfriend (no); was my boyfriend in Arusha (yes!); and then for my number. What?? I've definitely had problems with guys when I said my boyfriend/fiance/husband was in America but I thought for sure they'd back off if I said he was in the same city. Apparently, this is a wrong assumption. "African" women - beware. I made a really smart move - I got his number and said I would text him mine. Of course, I never did, despite NK's constant pestering to do otherwise (jokingly, btw :)).

All in all, I'm SO glad I went. It took about 5 hours on Thursday for me to decide if I was going to go or not, but the trip was SO worth it. If you're ever in Mombasa and want to spend some time in your own little paradise, hit me up. I'll give you the info for Sutt Cliff.

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